Call to Action:

We are seeking letters of support to help us bring FDACE to life!

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Academy

of Classical Education

FDACE is a planned tuition-free public charter school on the West side of the Greater Madison Area, Wisconsin that aims to provide a rigorous classical education, using the Hillsdale K-12 curriculum which emphasizes the core disciplines of math, science, literature, and history, as well as music, art, physical education, and foreign languages.

We plan to open September 2026 with grades K-5, adding a new grade every year.

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Innovating Classical Education

We plan to offer a classical education with a comprehensive K-12 curriculum with an approach to education than is content-rich and balanced, emphasizing proven methods and curriculum such as Direct Instruction, Core Knowledge, Science of Reading, and Singapore Math.

An afterschool program like no other: a program that provides premier quality study halls, tutoring, and afterschool care opportunities for all of our students with fees based on family means so that all our students can succeed.