FDACE is a planned tuition-free public charter school on the West side of the Greater Madison Area, Wisconsin that aims to provide a rigorous classical education, using the Hillsdale K-12 curriculum which emphasizes the core disciplines of math, science, literature, and history, as well as music, art, physical education, and foreign languages.
We plan to open September 2026 with grades K-5, adding a new grade every year.
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Innovating Classical Education
We plan to offer a classical education with a comprehensive K-12 curriculum with an approach to education than is content-rich and balanced, emphasizing proven methods and curriculum such as Direct Instruction, Core Knowledge, Science of Reading, and Singapore Math.
An afterschool program like no other: a program that provides premier quality study halls, tutoring, and afterschool care opportunities for all of our students with fees based on family means so that all our students can succeed.
A tuition-free charter school open to all students and families.
A proven, rigorous classical education K-12 curriculum
An afterschool program designed to support all students.
A program that will build the foundation for success in life.